ABOUT ME | Nathalie Polanco
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About Me

My name is Nathalie Giselle Polanco Ramirez.


Born in the Dominican Republic. Raised on Bonaire, Dutch Antilles and have lived the longest in the Netherlands.


I am mostly a stay at home mom of 3 gorgeous girls and a beautiful trans son.

In my stories (and highlights on my socials) you can see my family life.

I work as a coach and therapist with family dynamics as the root.

So I do call myself a Family Therapist but I don't only treat whole families or only children.

I work holistically so all aspects of your life get tackled, starting with where you came from.

This can be with individual trajectories or group sessions in the form of circles.

My wish is to help the world heal with every person that comes to my practice.

Creating more consciousness and a better world for my children and their children and their children.


I studied NLP and I am working to becoming an international NLP trainer.

I also am a certified Transpersonal Coach and Children’s coach.

Furthermore this year I have added Family Systems Therapy to my list of education.


I also have a passion for performing arts (mainly dancing & singing) which you can see come by here and there on my socials.


Nathalie Polanco socials:



Lucid Harmony socials:






Nathalie Polanco

Transpersonal, NLP Coach & Family Therapist

  • Lucid Harmony
  • Lucid Harmony
  • Nathalie Polanco
  • Nathalie
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Nathalie Polanco

e-mail: nathalie@lucidharmony.nl





IBAN NL91ABNA0847469395 * KvK 74195816 * BTW NL235209247B01 *


  • Lucid Harmony
  • Lucid Harmony

Lucid Harmony

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